9 Best Sobriety Podcasts to Boost Your Recovery Journey

Our aim is to support and inspire you to reach your goals to drink less or none at all! Meg and Bella are This Naked Mind Certified Coaches (plus nutritionists and counsellors respectively) who live in Sydney and love their alcohol free life. It’s essential to research the background and perspective of a podcast to understand its approach to addiction and recovery. While http://www.osipovichi.com/34234-umer_byvshiy_generalnyy_sekretar_oon_kofi_annan.html sobriety podcasts are certainly helpful for individuals struggling with addiction, they can also be beneficial for anyone interested in learning more about sobriety, addiction, and recovery. Whether you’re a concerned friend or family member, a healthcare professional, or simply curious about the topic, there’s something to be gained from listening to sobriety podcasts.

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  • This is good advice to consider, even for people who do not have an issue with overeating or drug addiction.
  • To help feel more connected and less alone, consider listening to one of these self-help podcasts.
  • Or maybe you are sober, but you feel like there should be something more to your new sober life?
  • We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol.

“Dopey,” hosted by Dave Manheim, is a unique podcast thanks to its focus on the dark comedy aspect of substance use and recovery. The show has evolved to a more empowering tone over the years, especially after the tragic drug overdose death of the other host, Chris, in July 2018. Notable subjects explored different types of behavioral addictions like sex http://kotomatrix.ru/show/1047/ and porn addiction, substance use stigma, and real stories from real people. Below are seven recovery-centric podcasts we have selected that offer a broad overview of the various aspects of addiction and the recovery process. Listen in while William C. Moyers, author and recovery advocate, speaks with colleagues at the vanguard of addiction treatment.


best recovery podcasts

Through interviews and stories from some of the most influential people in the world, Robbins gives listeners proven strategies and tactics for how to help live your best life. So, my goal, as a podcaster in the field of addiction treatment http://watchingapple.com/author/watchingapple/ and recovery, is to have conversations with experts in the field, and people who have thought deeply about these subjects. I want to help myself and others to see the problems of addiction treatment from different perspectives.

  • She watched in awe from her home while this simple phrase from Untamed – WE CAN DO HARD THINGS – the mantra that saved my life twenty years ago became a worldwide rally cry.
  • Alternatively, there are people who might recommend an extended stay in rehab, where group therapy and addiction counseling are the primary starting points in the recovery process.
  • Addiction recovery podcasts help you get the right information to start or continue your journey to sobriety.
  • In the Sober and Happy Podcast, you will learn how to discover yourself and blaze your own path, methods to help you along your journey to recovery, and motivation to help live a sober and happy life.
  • We’re here to have no holds barred conversations about everything mental health, sobriety, and happiness.

Nicotine is a drug.

best recovery podcasts

There is beauty in your chaos and even more in your acceptance of it. They say the 20s are for finding yourself but what about those of us that missed that memo? Each Thursday, join Cynthia, a Brooklynite in her 30s as she adjusts to being sober (it’s a thing) while navigating this crazy thing called life…one day at a time. But for people who live with an anxiety disorder, spiraling and uncontrollable worries can be constant, regardless of whether there’s any obvious external reason for them. The Recovery 2.0 Membership is a place where you can explore the topics that interest you, find community, and connect with Tommy Rosen on a personal level. I love how honest and transparent the host and the guests on this show are.

  • Annie’s podcast focuses on a science-based and compassion-led approach to reinvent your relationship with alcohol.
  • After being trained as a recovery coach and starting her own practice, she decided that seeing clients one-on-one wasn’t for her.
  • Now training to be a mental health therapist, Linsalata has been delivering accessible, friendly and practical advice in “The Anxious Truth” for more than 10 years.
  • I appreciate the swearing, the truths and the lack of shame at the pasts.
  • Sobriety podcasts cover a wide range of topics related to addiction, recovery, and sobriety.

In addition to novel drug therapies, there are also technological advancements, such as AI-assisted diagnosis and assessment of addiction and other mental health conditions. There are prescription digital therapeutics (PDT) that use smart phone apps to provide therapy and a real time connection between patient, doctor, and therapist. In another podcast episode that was primarily about overcoming food addiction and binge eating, my guest discussed the importance of self-respect and setting boundaries. She stated that people can learn to not be everyone’s “welcome mat” to be stepped on and disrespected. This is good advice to consider, even for people who do not have an issue with overeating or drug addiction. We have had our share of celebrity guests and experts on the show to talk about addiction treatment and recovery.

best recovery podcasts

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