Viking Travel Coin

Whether as a personal keepsake or a gift for a loved one, the Carpe Diem Coin is a meaningful and inspiring reminder to make every day count. Based on the demand for Jim’s Carpe Diem and Memento Mori themed everyday carry products, it only made sense to have an ecommerce storefront to make these products available to anyone looking for a subtle yet powerful reminder to make the most of every day. Since the launch of Carpe Diem EDC, business has continued to grow steadily thanks to the ever-growing and very welcoming EDC community, and people’s love of sharing and tagging photos of their coins and worry stones on Instagram. Challenge Coin Nation carries stock challenge coins or we can help you design your own custom military coin. Many of its phrases are modern phrases we use quite often in everyday language. Recognizable phrases are used in nearly every part of our educational system, the legal system, literature, the U.S. monetary dollar bill, and more.

  1. Once the Carpe Diem coins began appearing on various EDC social media posts, Jim decided to launch a second Kickstarter campaign for a Carpe Noctem (seize the night) coin.
  2. Odin fears that Huginn may not come back, yet more does he worry for Muninn’s return.
  3. Presently, the Semper Fi meaning and greeting remains the motto tradition of the Corps which they extend to each other and what a civilian may say back to a Marine.
  4. “Time Flies” becomes more of a reality every day as I approach 50 years of age, and see my two sons, one now in college and the other in high school grow older before my eyes.

Coins & Tokens

Commander Zeilin wanted a uniform that also exemplified an insignia of dignity and strength. As the Commander of the Marine Corps during the early 1800s, Zeilin floated the suggestion of the phrase Semper Fidelis, as well as the present-day insignia of an eagle, a globe, and an anchor. Collect the Carpe Diem Coin and never forget to live each moment of your life. Flip your Viking Travel Coin over, and you’ll see Vegvisir, a Nordic wayfinder.

Carpe Diem: The Meaning of Semper Fi

Jim decided that the best way to start this endeavor and spread the word was through a Kickstarter campaign. The Kickstarter included the new carpe diem coin in several different finishes, as well as two skull-themed worry stones that Jim designed, the Memento Mori Worry Stone and the Tempus Fugit Worry Stone. It was a huge success, and backers of the campaign were left wanting more! Once the Carpe Diem coins began appearing on various EDC social media posts, Jim decided to launch a second Kickstarter campaign for a Carpe Noctem (seize the night) coin. I designed the front (“obverse”) side of the coin with a skull to represent death, with an escapement gear (found in all mechanical clocks and watches) in the forehead of the skull to represent the passing of time.

Memento Mori Trucker Cap

With this newly acquired skill, Jim designed and 3D printed the original Carpe Diem coin. Meticulously engraved on th is EDC lucky coin are the Latin phrases ‘Tempus Fugit’, ‘Memento Mori’, and ‘Carpe Diem’, which translate to ‘time flies’, ‘remember death’, and ‘seize the day’. To create products that gently remind people to make the most of every day, as time is fleeting and tomorrow is uncertain. Taking the form of a compact, everyday carry coin that you can have on your person at all times, the Carpe Diem Coin’s true purpose is to help empower you to seize the day and live your most extraordinary life.

Carpe Noctem Coin

These brass coins are 1″ in diameter, which is about the size of a US quarter.  They arrive a natural golden brass finish and will patina over time with carry and handling. With that in mind, it’s simply in our best interest to seize the day and make the most out of every moment, every interaction, and every opportunity. Naturally, as European colonists migrated to America during the 1600s, Latin phrases also followed, including the Semper Fidelis coat of arms symbols and mottos. Latin was once considered part of the romance language in Europe. The Viking runes surrounding Vegvisir spell out “May your path be true.” These words are intended for your physical, as well as your moral and spiritual journeys through life. Among these runes, you’ll find Jörmungandr, the Midgard Serpent.

It was originally forged by the dwarves and stolen by a smooth-talking Loki, who gifted it to Odin. It is said that the dwarves balanced the spear so well that it could strike any target down, no matter the skill or strength of the wielder. On one side of the coin you will find Odin, the Norse god of war and of the dead. He is called the “Allfather” and the “Wanderer.” Odin’s primary goal?

The Carpe Diem Coin was created as a daily reminder to seize the day, make the most of every moment, and remember the preciousness of time. The Latin phrases “Carpe Diem”, “Tempus Fugit” that are stamped on the coin serve as a reminder that time flies by quickly. The phrases “Memento Mori” and “Memento Vivere” are also etched onto the coin, reminding us to remember death and to live life to the fullest. It wasn’t until he turned forty-eight that Jim Wirth started to take an interest in Memento Mori objects. In order to make this idea become a reality, Jim had his son Will teach him to use 3-D modeling software.

Soon, we will be launching Jim’s third Kickstarter campaign, a minted Viking travel coin for anyone regardless of how far their adventure takes them from home. We hope you are as excited as we are for the future of Carpe Diem EDC, and we look forward to hearing what Carpe Diem and Memento Mori mean to you. This is the story floating around and the Marines are sticking to it! Presently, the Semper Fi meaning and greeting remains the motto tradition of the Corps which they extend to each other and what a civilian may say back to a Marine.

“Time Flies” was becoming more of a reality every day as I approached 50 years of age. “Death Waits” was my very real, although grim reminder that at the end of all my uncertain days alive, there is only the certainty of death. “Time Flies” becomes more of a reality every day as I approach 50 years of age, and see my two sons, one now in college and the other in high school grow older before my eyes. “Death Waits” is a grim reminder that at the end of all your uncertain days alive, there is the certainty of death.Make the most of every day you have. Be present in the lives of friends and family.My Original Carpe Diem coin struck a chord with others, as I began receiving requests to make more to sell. This lead to my kickstarter campaign for all three of my Carpe Diem EDC pieces.

There will always be a Jörmangundr threatening to unleash hell on our lives, but with this coin in hand, we can prevail. Encircling Odin and Sleipnir are Viking runes which spell out “Go forth with strength and speed.” These words are meant to encourage the holder to embark on every journey with confidence and good fortune – to make sure that the journey isn’t met by unexpected blockages or delays. And if it is, the holder will have the help of Odin and his familiars.

Jörmungandr is the middle child of Loki, and was thrown into the great ocean that surrounds Midgard at a young age by Odin. While in the ocean, Jörmungandr grew to an immense size, so large that he was able to surround the entirety of Midgard and grasp his own tail. Odin’s son, Thor, is the sworn enemy of Jörmungandr, and it is said that when Jörmungandr releases the hold on his tail, Ragnarok (the battle at the end of the world) will begin. Jörmungandr represents the eternal circle of life and death… No beginning and no end, with everything simply transforming into something new.

We make everyday carry coins that serve as daily reminders to inspire, encourage, and motivate you to keep moving forward with wise life quotes. EDC Reminder Coins represent the daily mental notes to help you overcome adversity and rise to your potential. This coin makes a great everyday carry item and an original gift, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of living in the present moment and cherishing the time we have.

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